Black widow with it's prey in a webserving Gilbert, Arizona

Fall Pests in Arizona

It is common for pests to seek shelter as the seasons change. As night temperatures take a dip, pests like roaches, spiders, and rodents seek out warmer places. If your home isn’t properly protected, you could be sharing your home with some annoying and dangerous creatures. At SOS Exterminating, we have seen our fair share of pests and know how to control them. Besides offering pest control services, we like to educate the community on the types of pests we most commonly encounter. These are the most common pests in Arizona. 


Cockroaches are the most problematic indoor pest in the world. They cannot survive cold temperatures, which is why they tend to enter homes when winter approaches. During cold weather, cockroaches will seek out food and water indoors. They can enter through gaps or cracks around doors and windows, drainpipes, and other entry points. Cockroaches are generally active at night and hide during the day. The presence of insects during the day may indicate a significant infestation. Signs of a cockroach infestation include: 

  • Frass
  • Dead cockroaches
  • Egg casings
  • Body parts
  • Shed skin


Temperatures in Arizona rarely dip below freezing, which means termites are active year-round. During the winter months, termites move deeper under the ground. Drywood and subterranean termites can both gain entry to your home if there are active nests near walls and foundations of buildings. The presence of mud tubes on the foundation or sides of houses may indicate termite activity. If you are experiencing a termite infestation then you should contact a professional termite exterminator immediately before more damage is done to your home. 


Rodents such as house mice, rats, and squirrels, will also migrate indoors as the weather cools. Rodents are mammals and like us, they require warmth, shelter, food, and water. Mice can gain entry into homes and other buildings much more easily than rats or squirrels because of their size. Be on the lookout for: 

  • Droppings
  • Chewed-up seeds or other items
  • Signs of gnawing
  • Pattering sounds from attics or wall voids


Spiders of all shapes and sizes will be on the move as temperatures drop. Arizona is home to 27 different spider species. Only three of them are known to be potentially dangerous to humans. Species such as wolf spiders, may wander indoors in search of prey as outdoor insect populations start to decline.

The Brown Recluse

This violin-shaped mark on the abdomen can be used to identify brown recluses, but it is not recommended to get too close to one of these dangerous insects. Despite their shy nature and infrequent appearance, brown recluses will bite when necessary. As a result of the venom, the skin around the bite starts to die. Aside from being extremely painful, this can also cause an infection if not treated immediately.

The Black Widow

Black widows are one of the most recognizable spider species in the world. They are infamous for their shiny black bodies and red hourglass markings on their undersides. They tend to live in places that humans rarely tread, such as barns, basements, and crawl spaces. Black widows are also known for their potent venom which attacks the nervous system. Symptoms of a black widow bite are serious and include:

  • Severe pain
  • Burning
  • Stuff muscles
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe abdominal pain or cramping
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rash and itching
  • Swollen eyelids

Arizona Brown Spider

The Arizona Brown Spider is a small, unassuming spider with dark brown markings. They may look like any common spider but if you look closely, you will notice a violin shape on its body. 

The most common reaction to an Arizona brown spider bite is a spreading sore at the site of the bite, which can result in permanent tissue damage or necrosis.


There are 4 types of scorpions living in Arizona. The one that comes into contact with humans most often is the Arizona bark scorpion. They are small when compared to other scorpions, coming in at 2-3 inches in length. The Arizona bark scorpion is the only scorpion that is a threat to humans in the U.S. Even though their stings are not deadly, they still pack a punch. The area may experience swelling and numbness for a prolonged period of time. 

Get Professional Pest Control

Dealing with pests in Arizona can be dangerous and is best left to a trained exterminator. 

At SOS Exterminating we have over 80 years of experience in professional pest control. We understand that not everyone enjoys spiders in their home, especially venomous ones. If you are having trouble with spiders or any other pest invading your home, call us today at 480-571-1437 or leave us a message on our site.

Fall Pests in Arizona Professional Pest Control Services in Gilbert, AZ

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