Where do Termites Live?

Termites are found all across the United States, except in Alaska. Though these insects prefer warmer environments, they can easily adapt to almost any climate as long as they have plenty of cellulose to feed on. While some termites need soil to survive, others are drawn to dry and brittle wood above the ground. Infestations are found everywhere from old tree stumps to interior walls and furniture.

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Where Do Termites Live Indoors?

When termites attack your home, they’re mainly looking for vulnerable wood that they can tunnel inside of and consume. While each type of termite has a different set of conditions that it needs to survive, the two common species in Arizona are very similar; both eastern subterranean and formosan termites are drawn to areas with lots of soil. They usually stay near areas such as:

  • Building foundations
  • Windows
  • Exterior siding
  • Wall studs

Since termites in our area need constant contact with soil to survive, they often build mud tubes near their nest. These tubes allow them to travel and search for food without drying out or being exposed to predators. If you see these tubes, contact a termite control professional quickly to treat the infestation.

Termite Activity in Arizona

There are over 2,000 termite species found across the world, with over 40 species in the United States. However, here in Arizona, we’re most likely to find eastern subterranean termites and formosan termites. These pests are drawn to warmer areas with plenty of humidity. Unfortunately, both of these species are incredibly destructive and can cost homeowners hundreds or thousands of dollars.

What to Do If You Have Termites in Arizona

As with any wood-destroying insect, it’s important to take quick action if you discover termites – or even just suspect they’re nearby. These insects can reproduce and spread very quickly, causing extensive damage to your home or other belongings. Turn to a licensed termite exterminator to quickly treat the infestation before it can take over your property.